Dorota Wilde

Polonia | Regno Unito





Artista e designer interdisciplinare con esperienza internazionale.


"La mia pratica artistica nasce dal desiderio di catturare la bellezza dei momenti quotidiani e la loro essenza. Cerco diversi modi di trasferire le immagini e la loro atmosfera nei gioielli.

Invece di presentare un'immagine specifica, lascio spesso spazio all'interpretazione in modo che l'osservatore possa scoprire immagini e sentimenti a cui identificarsi."


Wilde si è aggiudicata il premio AGC Space for innovation, per l'edizione 2024 di New Designers London.


Interdisciplinary Artist and Designer from Poland with international experience.

'My artistic practice stems from the desire to capture the beauty of everyday moments and their essence. I look into different ways of transferring images and their atmosphere into jewellery.

Rather than presenting a specific image I leave the room for interpretation so that the viewers can discover imagery and feelings they relate to.'

Wilde won the AGC Space for Innovation Award at New Designers London 2024.




2024 – 2026 Master of Art Designer-Maker, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, HU

2021 – 2024 Bachelor of Design in Jewellery and Metal Design, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK

Spring 2023 Erasmus + Exchange Program, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, HU

2020 – 2021 Coursework in Product Design, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK

email personale








Premi | Awards


2024 – AGC Space for Innovation Award

2024 – Anne Clare Graham Award for Excellence in Design and Craftsmanship

2024 – Double Door Studios ‘Talent Spotted’

2024 – Highly Commended, 2024 Gemset Jewellery Design Competition, awarded by The Scottish

Gemmological Association

2023 – The Hammerman Award, awarded by The Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee




Esposizioni | Selected Exhibitions


2024 – Jewelry and Freedom, Tincal Lab, Porto, Portugal

2024 – Baltimore Jewelry Center Graduate Show, Baltimore, USA

2024 – New Designers, UK’s Graduate Design Show, London, UK

2024 – Art & Design Undergraduate Degree Show, DJCAD, Dundee, UK

2023 – ‘Designs for Living’ DJCAD group exhibition at V&A Dundee, Dundee, UK

2023 – MOME May Festival KIPAK Fest, Budapest, Hungary

2020 – ‘Imagine The Brain, Imagining Human’ exhibition for and in collaboration with Museum Dr.

Guislain in Ghent, Belgium (moved online due to COVID-19)

2020 – ‘In-Between’ – group exhibition IArts, ZUYD, Maastricht, the Netherlands